CIAW takes joint positions and conducts joint advocacy on federal budget and appropriations issues across a range of skills programs determined by the priorities of participating organizations.

March 13, 2025
National Coalition Urges Congress to Increase Investment in Workforce Development
January 24, 2025
January 23, 2025 The Honorable Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, Congratulations on your election and inauguration. We look forward to working with you on behalf of the American people to strengthen our nation’s economy and highlight the power of work. We are writing as part of the Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce (CIAW), a coalition dedicated to growing our economy by strengthening the investment in America’s workforce. Our organizations are committed to meeting the needs of workers, learners, and employers across the nation, helping people of all ages pursue education, develop in-demand skills, and secure family-sustaining employment without the need for a four-year college degree and the immense debt one may incur. We urge you to increase and strengthen investments in workforce development programs as part of the forthcoming reconciliation bill and the federal fiscal year 2026 budget and appropriations process. These investments yield substantial dividends for America, as evidenced by increased wages, tax revenue, labor force participation, and U.S. competitiveness, while also reducing reliance on public assistance. For example, FutureWork Systems analyzed the most recently released U.S. Department of Labor data and found that services under Title I and Title III the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – an annual investment of $3.84 billion – resulted in an estimated $61.6 billion in annual earnings for almost 1.5 million job seekers. The return on investment is quite powerful: for every $1 invested in WIOA, the economy sees approximately $15.03 in wages earned. Investing in American workers is clearly a cost-effective federal investment which benefits our entire nation. A strong return on investment is also found with WIOA Title II funds, with an average $750 investment per adult learner resulting in an annual wage increase of more than $2,600. WIOA’s impact extends beyond individual paychecks. Addressing workforce shortages keeps businesses open, ensures families receive essential goods, and supports vital community services. Equipping workers with the in-demand skills of today’s economy is essential for businesses and industries and is a vital strategy for ensuring the U.S. economy remains the world’s most powerful growth engine. A skilled workforce reduces reliance on public assistance, increases tax revenue, and strengthens business profitability. Congress must ensure workforce development programs that serve youth and adults under WIOA— including Wagner-Peyser and Adult Education, the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, apprenticeships, community service employment for older workers, and workforce adjacent programs—that prepare all individuals for sustainable and high-quality employment, receive the necessary resources to effectively address current workforce realities. Investing in the public workforce system is arguably among the federal government’s most worthwhile and remunerative programs in terms of supporting families, businesses, and communities, while bolstering local economies by generating billions of dollars in wages. The Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce thanks you for your leadership and commitment to a strong American workforce, and we welcome the opportunity to further discuss these issues with you. Sincerely, Association for Career and Technical Education Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP) Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) Commercial Vehicle Training Association Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Goodwill Industries International, Inc. Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) National Association of Development Organizations National Association of Regional Councils National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) National Association of Workforce Development Professionals National Immigration Forum  The Corps Network ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 FutureWork Systems ( provides business intelligence applications specifically designed for the Workforce Development system. 2 USDOL’s latest data from the WIOA Individual Performance Records (Public Use, Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL)) data for the rolling 4 quarter reporting period ending March 31, 2024 was used to calculate this amount. The average annual earnings of program participants after successfully gaining employment is approximately $41,000, which translates into $61.6 billion in earnings and economic impact. This calculation assumes full-year employment at second-quarter earnings levels, which may vary depending on job duration and wage changes. 3 The Economic Mobility Corporation study of Jewish Vocational Service in Boston, as reported in the Boston Globe The study also found that unemployed residents with prior U.S. work experience who enrolled in an employment-focused English course boosted their annual earnings by more than $7,100.
By NAWB August 14, 2024
On August 13, 2024, the Campaign to Invest in America's Workforce (CIAW) sent a letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leaders urging Congress to expand workforce development investments that generate a robust pipeline of skilled workers to bolster our nation's economic competitiveness. "There may not be a more important investment Congress can make than in the workforce development, education, and skills development programs," the coalition wrote. Read the full letter here:
By Stacy Heit July 27, 2023
In a letter addressed to the Chair of the House Committee on appropriations and the Commitee's ranking member on July 27, 2023, CIAW members expressed opposition to the FY24 bill. Read the full letter: Dear Chair Granger and Ranking Member DeLauro: On behalf of the undersigned organizations who make up the Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce (CIAW), we write to express our strong opposition to the recently introduced FY24 House Labor-HHS-ED appropriations bill which, if enacted, would have a devastating impact on the publicly funded workforce system and the millions of workers, learners, and employers it helps to support. CIAW is a diverse coalition of national organizations that offer direct services, advocacy, research, and policy development to help people of all ages and backgrounds attain in-demand skills, succeed in postsecondary education and training, and secure family-sustaining employment. We urge you to vote against this misguided proposal unless funding is restored for workforce development that, at a minimum, maintains FY23 levels of investment, without cutting funding from other critically important education and workforce development programs. The bill proposes to eliminate more than 60 percent, or $3.6B, of funding for workforce development programming. If enacted, this bill would have an immediate and devastating impact on the nation’s publicly funded workforce system. By rescinding $712M of FY23 formula funding from Adult Employment and Training activities provided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the bill would effectively defund the nation’s primary funding stream for quickly connecting adults with employment and training opportunities. Further, the bill proposes to eliminate WIOA Youth Activities formula funding, which connects young people nationwide with career exploration, education, and employment opportunities. In addition, the bill would eliminate the Job Corps program, which offers a chance at a fresh start for tens of thousands of young people annually through enriched residential education and job training programming as well as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which helps low-income seniors update their skill sets, build work experience and confidence, and continue to have economic security and well-being. In short, this bill will hinder access to career and supportive services for millions, end employment and training opportunities for almost half a million and would extinguish talent pipelines that employers of all sizes depend on. With massive technological change underway through the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence and ongoing demographic challenges, this legislation is grossly misaligned with the economic and societal realities the United States faces today. For instance, 75 percent of employers report difficulties in finding qualified workers with the necessary skills and training to fill current openings, millions of jobs remain open , and labor force participation remains at its lowest point in decades . These trends are set to continue, meaning that the education, training, and skills required to be successful in today's economy are changing rapidly. The same programs that this bill would eliminate or drastically divest from are intended to respond to these economic trends, mitigate their impacts on workers, and help more individuals contribute to our shared economy. Without sustained investments in workforce development, labor productivity and economic growth will falter as businesses within our communities struggle to find talent. This will significantly diminish America’s future economic competitiveness as peer and near-peer economies continue to increase investments in workforce development and education. Equally as important, this proposal runs counter to arguments regarding fiscal responsibility as it would increase populations eligible for social safety net programs, while decreasing the tax base, increasing the deficit in the near term and the national debt in the long term. More troubling, this proposal would disproportionately impact our nation’s most vulnerable populations – women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, individuals without high school diplomas, returning citizens, immigrants, senior citizens, justice-involved individuals, rural communities, veterans, and youth. Evidence overwhelmingly indicates that we must further engage these populations because we simply do not, and will not, have enough skilled workers to supply current and emerging labor market demand . Regardless of circumstance, it is in the nation’s interest to invest in the American workforce and this proposal runs counter to this important objective. For these reasons, the undersigned organizations that comprise CIAW urge you to provide workforce development funding that, at a minimum and without cutting other education and workforce development programs, maintains FY23 levels as the FY24 appropriations process continues to move forward. CIAW thanks you for your consideration of our request and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the needs of our communities with you further. Sincerely, Advance CTE American Federation of Teachers Association for Career and Technical Education Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) Coalition on Human Needs Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) Easterseals, Inc. Goodwill Industries International, Inc. Jobs for the Future (JFF) Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) National Association of Development Organizations National Association of Regional Councils National Association of State Workforce Agencies National Association of Workforce Boards National Association of Workforce Development Professionals National Council on Aging National Job Corps Association National League of Cities National Skills Coalition National Youth Employment Coalition Public Advocacy for Kids (PAK) The Corps Network United States Workforce Associations YouthBuild USA CC: House DemocraIc and Republican Leadership Senate DemocraIc and Republican Leadership
By Stacy Heit April 12, 2023
In a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee dated April 20, 2023, CIAW members urged an increase to FY24 workforce development and education investments. The full letter is below:
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